A Damn Fine Espresso: June 2023

It’s June, and one of the year’s biggest blockbusters is just weeks away: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny will be released on 30/6/2023. Will Harrison Ford, complete with hat and whip and iconic half-grin, deliver once again, as he did with Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Will Old Man Jones stumble, as he arguably did with Temple of Doom? Or will he sit in a jeep or a boat floating unthreatened through setpieces, as some might say he did in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? Join Alan, Sam and Matt as they talk all things Doctor Jones in this month’s espresso podcast episode. Which are their favourite films in the franchise? What are their expectations of Dial of Destiny, in spite of the absence of Steven Spielberg at the helm? And will Alan really go and see the new film wearing a t-shirt slagging off everyone’s favourite dwarf from Moria?

P.S.: For anyone who appreciates John Williams’ contributions to the Indiana Jones movies, watch this space over the summer months!

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A Damn Fine Espresso: June 2023