I’ll be in my trailer… watching trailers: Pop quiz, hotshot

Join us every week for a trip into the weird and wonderful world of trailers. Whether it’s the first teaser for the latest instalment in your favourite franchise, an obscure preview for a strange indie darling, whether it’s good, bad, ugly or just plain weird – your favourite pop culture baristas are there to tell you what they think.

This week’s Six Damn Fine Degrees took a well-deserved break from its recent Werner Herzog fixation in order to reminisce about the Swiss chapter of A Damn Fine Cup’s film quiz successes over the years. (And we were so close with the title of the tenth Fast & Furious film, we just got the wrong one of the two available adjectives…)

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A Damn Fine Cup of Culture Podcast #77: Second Chances (2024)

Another year, another opportunity to give some films we didn’t particularly like another opportunity. Was it the films? Was it us? Was it just the wrong time to watch these? For this year’s movie revisit, Sam and Matt talk about two musicals that, at a first glance, couldn’t be much more different: Richard Attenborough’s 1985 adaptation of A Chorus Line and Nordic provocateur Lars von Trier’s Dancer in the Dark. What is the result of our return to these musicals? Did we come away with a new appreciation of Michael Douglas’ foray into musicals (and then he doesn’t even get to sing!), and did things finally fall into place when we rewatched the musical melodrama led by Icelandic multitalent Björk?

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