I’ll be in my trailer… watching trailers: Hats, cats, rabbits

Join us every week for a trip into the weird and wonderful world of trailers. Whether it’s the first teaser for the latest instalment in your favourite franchise, an obscure preview for a strange indie darling, whether it’s good, bad, ugly or just plain weird – your favourite pop culture baristas are there to tell you what they think.

After two Six Damn Fine Degrees about Billy Wilder’s Fedora, there was really only one way we could go, wasn’t there? And we did do exactly that, with Matt’s memories of the loops he had to jump through before he could finally watch Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Meanwhile, two of our resident Dario Argento aficionados, Alan and Sam, talked about the Italian master of giallo cinema, after Alan got to see Argento live at the BFI.

And we’re staying with horror for the first of our two regular trailers for the week:

Mege: I can’t remember when I’ve seen the last good horror flick. My girlfriend can’t watch them, so watching them alone is… not a bad way to watch them at all. Heh.

Matt: I’ve been playing computer games since the early ’80s. I still play and enjoy them, but after 40 years it can feel like I’ve seen it all, so I might look forward to new games, but I’m rarely genuinely excited. When I saw this trailer, though, which was released four days ago, I gave a little yelp: Revenant Hill is the new game by the remaining creators of Night in the Woods, one of my favourite stories in any medium – whether games, films, series, books or anything else – of the last ten years. Night in the Woods was sweet, funny, smart, angry, and its anthropomorphic animals are still among the most human characters I’ve encountered in any video game. It’s difficult to say anything much about a game based on a brief teaser video, but from what we can glimpse I get the impression that a lot of what made Night in the Woods what it was is still there.

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