I’ll be in my trailer… watching trailers: The 2023 Assembly of the Toshiro Mifune Appreciation Society

Join us every week for a trip into the weird and wonderful world of trailers. Whether it’s the first teaser for the latest instalment in your favourite franchise, an obscure preview for a strange indie darling, whether it’s good, bad, ugly or just plain weird – your favourite pop culture baristas are there to tell you what they think.

Some love them… but Matt’s more ambivalent about cult TV and cult movies. Check out this week’s Six Damn Fine Degrees to find out why – or you can also just stay here and watch this trailer for the cult classic The Prisoner. Because, after all, you are not a number, right?

On Saturday, we released the second instalment in our Summer of Collaborations, this time focusing on the films that Akira Kurosawa made with Toshiro Mifune. Or at least that’s how we remember it; your recollection of it may be quite different!

But let’s see what else this week’s trailers have in store.

Mege: Some people feel threatened by any small aspect of otherness, so how will a 13 feet tall black man find his place? This could be a sad examination of racist undertones, but it looks more like a fun examination of standing out and standing tall.

Matt: Four more months until part 2 of Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s seminal Dune. I am already quite certain I’ll like the film in terms of its aesthetics, as part 1 was already amazing in terms of its visuals, music and sound design. I wasn’t quite as taken with the first part as my co-baristas Alan and Julie and our podcast guest Dan Thron (from the movie podcast Martini Giant), but I may well like the adaptation better once both parts are out and this particular story has been completed.

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