I’ll be in my trailer… watching trailers: Crying Wolf

Join us every week for a trip into the weird and wonderful world of trailers. Whether it’s the first teaser for the latest instalment in your favourite franchise, an obscure preview for a strange indie darling, whether it’s good, bad, ugly or just plain weird – your favourite pop culture baristas are there to tell you what they think.

From the invaluable supporting actors to the hidden gems of cinema and TV: sometimes it isn’t the main events, the Brad Pitts and Jennifer Lawrences, the Oppenheimers and the Barbies, that we gravitate to. In this week’s Six Damn Fine Degrees, Mege pinpointed some of those gems that take some looking for – including the fascinating Finnish historical horror film, Sauna.

We also launched the latest of our summer podcast series: after dedicating our summers to directors in 2022 and to some of our favourite collaborations in 2023, this year we’re concentrating on remakes. What are the most interesting, worthwhile ones? How do they compare to the originals? Check out our June episode, in which Sam, Matt and Julie zero in on the Hitchcock film that Hitch himself remade: The Man Who Knew Too Much.

And what else do the gods of trailers have in store for us?

Mege: I was fortunate enough to pick up Amy Liptrot‘s book The Outrun at a bookstore and liked it a lot. She goes to the outer edges of Scotland to forget her drinking. It‘s a book of thorough honesty, not just about drinking, but about a person who drinks. Until she doesn‘t.

Matt: This looks as frothy and fun (and insubstantial, but sometimes that’s a good thing) as a Nespresso ad. Clooney and Pitt have shown that they play well with each other before, and Jon Watts delivered two very enjoyable Spider-Man films for Sony and Marvel. This isn’t necessarily the kind of film I’m really, really looking forward to – but it may well be a film that I’ll watch with a pizza on a Friday evening after a stressful week at work, and I’m hoping it’ll be just the right kind of film for that sort of scenario.

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