I’ll be in my trailer… watching trailers: My, xenomorph, what big teeth you have!

Join us every week for a trip into the weird and wonderful world of trailers. Whether it’s the first teaser for the latest instalment in your favourite franchise, an obscure preview for a strange indie darling, whether it’s good, bad, ugly or just plain weird – your favourite pop culture baristas are there to tell you what they think.

Sometimes it’s the diamonds in the rough of any medium that prove to be the most memorable – or so Matt argues in this week’s Six Damn Fine Degrees.

He was also really taken with a fantastic fan game called Thief: The Black Parade, not least because it let him indulge in his enjoyment of stealth games. Skulking in the shadows is fun!

But let’s see if this week’s trailer post also has some movie trailers to offer, shall we?

Mege: Yes, well, you go to another planet and get eaten by an almost unkillable xenomorph. Or you fight it like hell. It really depends about how you tell that tired and tried story to make it sound fresh and exciting again. Ridley Scott is no longer a fail-safe director at the top of his game, so him no longer having a directorial hand in his ever-getting longer Alien saga is maybe just what the movies need. Kill or get eaten. Or sit back and think about how a mediocre screenplay rarely turns into an exceptional movie.

Matt: While I’m waiting for the long wished-for Criterion Kurosawa box set (it doesn’t even have to be 4K – but obviously it would be very nice if it was!), I am happy to ogle the trailer for the new restoration of Seven Samurai, one of those films that I could pretty much watch all the time. I doubt the restoration will make it to Swiss cinemas, but I have fond memories of seeing the film at the best (Swiss) cinema in the world only a few years ago.

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